Carranza Campos, Miguel AngeAguillón Rivera, FranciscaRodríguez Castro, Mercedesíguez Castro, Mercedes Carolina (2023). Nostalgia tour operator final. (Licenciatura en en Enseñanza del Inglés). Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades. en Soporte impresoThe following work is about the creation of the tourism company “Nostalgia” that is committed to unique, and inclusive tourist experiences through presenting a service for people with reduced mobility, and tourism in virtual reality, taking advantage of technology to remain in the mind of the tourist, in addition to traditional tourism. We will achieve the objectives by offering the richness of the different tourist routes that El Salvador has. This report has been structured considering the Tourism Law, ISO standards, and the CORSATUR regulations for the proper functioning of the tourism company and developing the company within the legal framework and the protection of the country's resources. The topic has been presented as part of the activities of the Specialization Course in Tourism, visualizing the opportunity of entrepreneurship with fellow students, and achieving a better standard of living through innovative entrepreneurship.esAttribution 4.0 Internationalinclusivevirtual realityISO standardsCORSATURentrepreneurshipNostalgia tour operatorTrabajo de grado