Garay Salinas, RicardoBlandón de Castro, Norma CeciliaCrespín Monge, Sandra MargaritaBarahona Hernández, Glenda Ivette2024-01-292024-01-292020-01-01 research intends to identify, evaluate and confirm the effects of classroom environment on the achievement of students taking Advanced Grammar of the Foreign Language Department, School of Arts and Sciences of the University of El Salvador on participants’ groups 3, 4, and 6, semester II, 2019. Groups were observed and shortly interviewed while investigating the topic. For the present research three data collection instruments were used as observation guide, checklist, interview, and short interviews. Those instruments were very helpful to gather valuable information about several variables identity along with the investigation: a) Course Schedule, b) Course location, c) Students' perception and d) students’ performance. As this is mixed research, qualitative and quantity data had been integrated and analyzed. Once analyzed the data, conclusion, and recommendations are shared. As the topic had been studied by experts around the world on years ago, researches demonstrate the impact of the effect taking place at the University of El Salvador on students’ academic performance taking Advance Grammar by the end-setting some conclusion and recommendations for the University to improve students well-being along with the físico del aularendimiento académicotemperatura : ruidoinfraestructura378420The effects of classroom environment on the achievement of students taking advanced grammar of the Foreign Language Department, school of Arts and Sciences of the university of El Salvador semester II, 2019.Thesis