Llanes Márquez, Jorge HomeroMorataya, José Amílcar2024-01-292024-01-291983-11-01https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14492/13327study program, as Dr. Manuel Luis Escamilla defines it, 15 a "handbook, a didactic guide that organizes the subjéct eround the student's neeessities and interests along his oifferent development stages ." l This suggests to us the need to cons1der many elements in order to suceeed in the teachinglearn1ng process of any subjeet. Sorne of these elements are,undoubtedly, the student , the teaeher, the environment, the school, the home and society. Everything stated before has validity for the teaeh1ng of subjeets ineluded in the study program which 1s obligatory for a student of the Third Cyele of Basie Edueation in El Salvador.es-SV420Analysis of the english study program for the ninth grade of basic education in El SalvadorThesis