Corleto Berganza, José RigobertoAlvarado Pleitez, Diana CarolinaGarcía Aguilar, Adriana MaribelMartínez de Gutiérrez, Paola Alejandra2024-02-152024-02-152019-10-01 mother tongue has a great impact in the learning of a second language; such impact causes errors and mistakes in phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics patterns. This research is focused on written errors produced when composing. English Composition I is a subject designed to train students with writing skills in order to avoid composition problems in which errors are immersed. After having taken English Composition I as a primary basis, English Composition II students continue committing errors in their pieces of order420A proposal to incorporate the teaching of spanish-english transfer errors in english composition I of licenciatura en idioma inglés: opción enseñanza at the western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador, year 2019Thesis