Menjívar González, Blanca AliciaCarranza Campos, Miguel ÁngelLeiva Mejía, Josué BezaleelRamírez Vásquez, Carlos Rubén2024-01-292024-01-292022-06-01 report establishes bibliographical research and is based on organizing, choosing, and analyzing the information gathered from multiple academic sources related to the use of technological tools applied in a virtual course. It is remarkable to mention that this report has an informative objective to hand over the advantages of the management of LMSs in the teaching English field. This paper is based on different theories that support the virtual learning such as: cognitivism, constructivism, and behaviorism and how these can be implemented in online classes. As previous mentioned this report was gathered by collecting data from different well-known authors. The present report found the advantages of using technological tools in LMS’s and how this help improving the teaching and learning process. KEYWORDS: Technology ; Education ; Teaching ; Virtual Environment ; Technological environmenttechnological tools420The management of technological tools to teach the English Language.Thesis