Linares De Sermeño, Guadalupe DelurdyGarcía De Chicas, Lucila MassielMancía Machón, Laura CeciliaMolina Montes, Karina YamilethMorán Linares, María Hortencia2024-02-152024-02-152018-02-01 study entitled “An Analysis of the Feasibility of the Implementation of the Major Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés, Opción Enseñanza in the Distance Education modality at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador” intends to explain how feasible the implementation of the major LIIOE being offered in the traditional education modality by the UES for the population enrolling the distance learning modality at the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador is since this major does not require students to possess any English proficiency level for their admission to the University of El learning modalityleaning a foreign language onlinelanguage learning through shortvideo lessons420An analisys of the feasibility to implement the major Licenciatura en idioma ingles-opción enseñanza in the distance learning modality at The Western Multidisciplinary Campus of The University Of El SalvadorThesis