Reyes López, Nohemy ElizabethMartínez García, Keniaínez García, K. A.(2024) How do technological tools influence the professional performance of a translator and the high quality of different types of documents nowadays(Licenciatura en Idioma Ingles : Opción Enseñanza) Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades specialization course Fundamentals and Techniques of Translation focused on the practice of modern translation processes and technological tools. The study of different translation techniques, basic concepts, websites that facilitate maintaining the quality of the original document and other related topics were taught through online meetings, assignments and group practice. Each week new activities were carried out to learn more about translation today. The course was divided into four modules to better focus on each important aspect of translation. In the first module, the origins of translation and how it has changed over time. The second module focused on the translation process, techniques and practices with different types of texts, a power point presentation was made to explain the translation process. After that, the third module was focused on translation tools, the teacher presented different tools to make a better translation without losing the quality of the original document. Some of the tools used were MateCat, Cafetrans, Babilone and others. It is important to mention that the translation tools were useful, but it was necessary to use the translator's skills to correct errors and give a better meaning to the text. The focus was on the quality of the document or image according to the context. The fourth module focused on Translation Practices, putting into practice everything that was learned in the previous modules, the use of translation techniques and technological tools to obtain a professional and high quality translation process. During this specialization course was learned translation techniques and the different technological tools or websites to obtain the best quality in the different types of documents that are currently used nowadays!enTranslationtranslation processtranslation techniquestranslation toolstranslation practicestranslation programs.How do technological tools influence the professional performance of a translator and the high quality of different types of documents nowadays /Trabajo de grado