Oliva, José IsraelCarranza Campos, Miguel ÁngelNieto de García, Jennifer ElizabethRomero Pérez, José AbrahamMiranda Peña, Verónica Guadalupe2024-01-292024-01-292021-11-30https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14492/13737Throughout this research study, the researchers tried to find the best recommendations to implement solutions on how students can learn two languages at the same time and how they can measure the level of academic self-efficacy in the learning process. The research project is formed by five chapters. The first chapter is basically the segment that includes the introduction, stamen of the problem, background and need, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the field, definitions and limitations. The second chapter is all about the literature review that involves the information that the researchers collected from books, articles on internet, mentioning theories and authors supporting the research project. The third chapter explains the methodology of the research, which describes the methods, introduction, participants, measurement and instruments, and data analysis. In this chapter, the instruments that the researchers administered to the students was a survey, which was used to gather information about the topic. Chapter four is all about the data analysis process; this is the section where all the information gathered from the instruments is analyzed by the researchers to find percentages and what the students answer related to the research topic. Finally, chapter five is related to the conclusions and recommendations that the researchers propose based on this research project to find the best suggestions to solve the issue under study. Key Words: Self-efficacy ; Learning ; Languages ; Measure ; Level.es-SVSelf-efficacylearninglanguagesmeasurelevel420A description of the self-efficacy levels in the students of The Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages with Specialization in French and English, Department of Foreign Languages, University of El Salvador, Semester II – 2018Thesis