Gamero Ortiz, José RicardoGaray Salinas, RicardoBarahona López, María ErmelindaRodríguez López, Ana RuthMoreno Morán, Cristian Lisandro2024-01-292024-01-292013-08-01 present document describes a formal research, which has been done based on the facts about labor market for bilingual people, personal issues regarding priorities on students’ lives, family ties that might interfere with their formal studies, level of proficiency acquired by students, the contrast between working and studying at the same time and its effects on students’ outcomes, taking into account also the time students have in the major. It is also important to mention that the sample is composed not only by students, but also graduates, who are already exerting their abilities in the teaching field or in any other one that has to do with the English Languageñanza del idioma inglés420A research about the labor market in which students from the B.A. in english, emphasis in teaching, from the Foreign Languages Department at the University of El Salvador worked, during the period of 2,006 to 2,011Thesis