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Resumen: En relación con lo mágico abordado en el cuento infantil, «Lo que quiero y no quiero, las magiconerías, y otras tonteras» (1945), del escritor salvadoreño Salarrué; donde describe un mundo mágico y misterioso poblado por seres fantásticos y criaturas de la naturaleza, la narrativa explora los deseos y las ambiciones de la Firulina y la Cocolina. A través de la historia, expone las cosas que aspiran ser y aquellas que prefiere evitar o rechazar, abordando temas como la identidad, los sueños y las elecciones de vida. Por otro lado, «Caperucita Roja» (1967), del escritor europeo Charles Perrault; narra un ambiente maravilloso y mágico donde la interacción entre animales que hablan y personas es algo natural contraponiendo las historias centroamericanas con las europeas desde los estilos de vida, creencias y valores que viven los niños de ambas culturas. Este artículo compara las características, similitudes y diferencias que poseen los textos, uno correspondiente a la literatura infantil centroamericana y otro a la literatura infantil europea. Abstract: In relation to the magical addressed in the children's story, "What I Want, and I Don't Want, the magiconerías, and other nonsense" (1945), by the Salvadoran writer Salarrué; where he describes a magical and mysterious world populated by fantastic beings and creatures of nature. The narrative explores the desires and ambitions of Firulina and Cocolina. Through the story, she exposes the things she aspires to be and those she prefers to avoid or reject, addressing topics such as identity, dreams, and life choices. On the other hand, "Little Red Riding Hood" (1967), by the European writer Charles Perrault, narrates a wonderful and magical environment where the interaction between talking animals and people is something natural, contrasting Central American stories with European ones from the lifestyles, beliefs and values that children of both cultures live. This article compares the characteristics, similarities and differences of the texts, one corresponding to Central American children's literature and the other to European children's literature.
Tour Operator Tourist Service
(Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2023) Cerón Pérez, Doris Estephanie; Morán Hernández, Karina Stéfany; Viana Cortez, Débora Beatriz; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Angel;;;
Pata de chucho tours is an enterprise developed for Salvadorans who want to dare to have an extreme experience in a safe and fun way in a place with a pleasant climate and that has a diversity of fauna and flowers that is highly appreciated nationally and internationally. The objective of our experience is to offer the opportunity to discover beautiful places in El Salvador. And to achieve our idea in an organic and sustainable way, we have investigated not only the history of tourism in the country, but also its customs and traditions to delve more fully into the world of tourism. In addition, we detail step by step the concept of our product as well as a profile of what we as entrepreneurs need to successfully complete a tourist experience or any other business idea. On the other hand, we specialize in the laws and regulations that will guarantee us legibility to operate in this area. The most important detail about our enterprise is that our main objective is to provide tours at a suitable cost in comparison to the competitors and in addition, we desire to help small and local merchants. As a company we want to put into practice corporate responsibility both with society and the environment. Likewise, the area in which our company is located has been thoroughly investigated and all laws have been taken into account to be able to implement it. In this way, our clients will be sure that it is a company committed to complying with the laws established by the country.
Diseño de los procesos basado en la industria 4.0 en el Centro Regional de Salud Valencia de la Universidad de El Salvador.
(Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad de Ingenieria y Arquitectura, 2024-12-09) García Flores, Karla Verónica; Lemus Rivas, Rene Gustavo; Zepeda Moscoso, Andrea Ahtziri; Reyes Contreras, Francisco Orlando;;;
En el presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolla la temática de la transformación estratégica digital en el Centro Regional de Salud Valencia, mediante el diseño de procesos basados en la industria 4.0, centrando el estudio en la implementación de tecnologías avanzadas que permitan la optimización en la gestion de recursos y mejorar la eficiencia en la atención de los pacientes. En un entorno cada vez más orientado a la digitalización, resulta esencial que el CRSV adopte un enfoque proactivo hacia la innovación tecnológica para mantenerse competitivo y responder adecuadamente a las demandas de los usuarios.
How artificial intelligence can help personalize the educational experience to meet the individual needs of students
(Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-09-01) Martínez Mendoza, Kenia Iveth; Polio Martinez, Maria del Carmen; Rivera Mejia, Leydi Zuleyma; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
This research explores how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized education through personalized learning. It highlights how AI adapts learning experiences to individual students' needs, offering tailored instruction unrestricted by traditional time limits. The interdisciplinary nature of AI, including Educational Artificial Intelligence (EAI), emphasizes the use of AI algorithms to enhance learning outcomes. Some historical developments, such as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) and data analytics, demonstrate AI's capacity to transform educational environments. The potential of AI to bridge learning gaps, improve motivation, and enhance learning efficiency is addressed, alongside ethical concerns surrounding data privacy, equity, and the need for teacher training. Along with that, the research demonstrates that while AI offers promising advancements in personalized learning, further development is needed to ensure its effective and equitable application. Ultimately, from the wide variety of subjects learned throughout the Specialization Course, the most important ones are presented as a summary of each module.