A comparison between the fluency level of english reached by students of advanced english I, semester II 2017, from the Modern Languages major and the English teaching major at the Foreign Language Department, University of El Salvador


Communicating by using a second or third language enable people to be more competent for the diversity of challenges found in everyday life. This characteristic enhances people to establish a better relationship with other people. It is not only what people say, but also the way they say it what can make them more reliable and skilled at the moment of performing a task, or encountering a situation in which the use of the mother tongue is not allowed. This research tries to set the difference in fluency among both majors by questioning and reviewing the dedication consecrated to learn a second language. In order to gather the data, some placement tests and interviews were assigned and performed to evaluate the knowledge that students have acquired through the years of study. The information stored in their brains is clearly related to the fluency at the moment of communicating an idea since a person without enough vocabulary would not be able to produce a clear speech. However, there are some blind spots that need to be covered in both majors but the main one is how to make students be aware about their speaking progress since there is a lack of consistency at the moment of delivering a message.



Enseñanza del idioma inglés, enseñanza del idioma francés
