Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas: Especialidad en Frances e Inglés

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    The importance of using technological resources to generate significant learning to students in online education
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-09-02) Santos Valencia, Mariana Beatriz; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    The main idea of this project is to show and learn about the different technological resources that teachers and students can take advantage of when online classes are developed, with the only purpose of keeping and improving educational skills during this process. During the pandemic since 2020, Educational Institutions worldwide had to take actions to continue with the programs in the entire education system and force them to change from the methodology that has been used through all the years to use virtual environments. Teachers had to find different ways and tools to meet the needs in all levels, so in this final report, important information will be projected and explained about those technological resources with their theoretical and practical sessions learned in three modules that are module 1: Online Foreign Languages Teaching, module 2: Educational Applications for Learning a Foreign Language, and module 3: Design of Didactic Materials for Virtual Environments of the “Specialization Course in the Administration of Virtual Environments for Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning”.
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    Educational Platforms that Generate an Interactive Environment and Significant Learning in the Development of the Virtual Foreign Language Classes.
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-08-30) Hernández Lisco, Margarita Azucena; Benitez Pérez, Karla Marielos; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;
    In recent years, the use of technology has become essential for daily life. However, how to use technological tools for academic purposes seems not to be enough in the classroom yet. Therefore, the Specialization Course in the Administration of Virtual Environments for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning becomes meaningful for all those future professionals who are immersed in education. For that reason, the main purpose of this written paper is to present some educational platforms that generate an interactive environment and significant learning in the development of virtual foreign language classes. In addition, this academic report documents the valuable insights and experiences gained by aspiring EFL educators who participated in the Specialization Course in the Administration of Virtual Environments. This report presents significant information regarding educational platforms that can become useful and helpful for online environments. Moreover, in this work, the reader will find a list and brief description of some educational platforms that can help to improve non face-to-face educational processes for both teachers and students. To sum up, individuals interested in education should read this paper to gain a better understanding of the importance of educational platforms in online foreign language classes since this will help generate more interactive and meaningful learning experiences.
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    The importance of using learning management systems (LMS) for students and teachers in online classes.
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-08-29) Hernández Argueta, David Eliseo (HA01018); Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    The current situation with the Coronavirus pandemic has caused a radical change in education all around the world, making schools and universities moving from in person to remote or distance learning. In the new modality of distance education, teachers need to acquire new competences related to the digital world, so they can create a digital education environment that ensures learning. The research tries to identify the importance of using learning management systems (LMS) for students and teachers in online classes taking into account what the group learned in the specialization course about LMSs. To this end, the research question is the following: Why is Learning Management Important? The topic will focus on defining what LMSs are in the first place, then on how they work, what their core features and benefits are and will describe what LMS are more appropriate to use in online classes. The second part of this work contains a description of all the activities that have taken place throughout the three modules of the specialization course. It also contains some achievements listed by the course participants in terms of the apps, devices, computer programs, websites and resources covered during all of the 3 modules.
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    Suchitoto Lovers Tours
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-08-28) Garcia Miranda, Luis Arnoldo; Mayorga Marroquín, Estefany Fabiola; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Angel;;
    The present work shows Suchitoto Lovers Tours as a tour operator that has the intention of providing a relaxing and captivating experience to national and international tourists allowing them to know Suchitoto respecting their roots and their inhabitants. The objective as tour operator is to promote tourism from a perspective focused on the culture and charm of the resources that the municipality has to offer. This idea has been translated by taking into account various aspects that align with sustainable development strategies. In addition, to learn about the tourism sector, it was investigated how tourism has been developed over the years. Similarly, the natural resources and elements that make up the cultural identity of the inhabitants of Suchitoto were identified. Subsequently, a plan was devised that aims to get the tour operator to attract a constant flow of customers. Another important aspect was the definition of the profile necessary to successfully overcome the difficulties that arise when undertaking, at the same time as assuming the responsibilities corresponding to the position. Also, the area in the market to which Suchitoto Lovers Tours is focused was established, based on this, it is also detailed the most appropriate way to interact with customers and allies. On the other hand, the distinctive elements and values of the tour operator were identified. In conclusion, taking into account all the aspects mentioned above, Suchitoto Lovers Tours can create an experience by which tourists can get involved in a unique journey knowing the colonial architecture, cultural heritage and natural wealth that Suchitoto has.
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    Poza Verde Tours
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-08-28) Méndez Lucero, Ricardo Alejandro; Parada Avilés, Roberto Carlos (PA); Quintanilla, Miguel Sonai (QQ09002); Aguillón, Francisca Hortensia de La Santísima Trinidad; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
    The creation of new and innovative tourism products in El Salvador has become a fundamental pillar for entrepreneurs in these times because people are getting interested more in how the entrepreneurs redesign and give another perspective in business. The project is located inthe department of San Salvador in the municipality of San Miguel Tepezontes where the Poza Verde and different isles are the main sources to develop the activity. This document shows how the project takes into consideration different items to assure success such as the creation, alliances, government support, environmental responsibility, sport, marketing, logistics, values, ethic, laws and regulations. The main objective of this project is to be a new option of tourism in El Salvador that boost economy in the community, to transport the people to a different place where they can be in contact with nature, fun and traditions in an educational sense to preserve hydric resources in the county.
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    Initiation in the translation world starting with principles, techniques, professional tools and process of translation applied on documents and texts from English to Spanish and vice verse.
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-08-26) Mejía Muñoz, Adriana Michelle; Velásquez López, Marcela Alejandra; Zamora Mejía, Mynor Edenilson; Torres Meléndez, Cristian Alexander; Carranza Campos, Miguel Angel;;;
    The first module started with a brief induction of the translation history and its beginning and development by presenting clear examples of it. Besides that, in the first stage, the translation myths were presented and refuted by the translation teacher. Then, students were able to have a perspective of what imply the oblique and literal translation methods. On the other hand, the second module, The Translation Process, involved the analysis of different translation processes and important information for a successful result. In addition, students learned the types of texts and their characteristics. In the second module, the different translation processes were applied in order to identified the specific characteristics in the assigned documentation to be translated. The students of the course created their own translation process with the guidance of the teacher and with the knowledge acquired in the development of each class. During the development of the third module, Tools for Translation, students discovered and learned the use of useful tools to carry out a translation with efficient advantages, such as dictionaries and virtual translators. In the last module, all the knowledge acquired was put into practice and advanced software was used for the translation of important and complex documents. Finally, a series of exhaustive translations were carried out to corroborate and demonstrate in practice the knowledge and information acquired during the course.
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    Main changes in english students and teachers roles within virtual education
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-08-22) Orellana de Rívas, Marta Beatriz; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisi; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    Certainly, virtual education also referred to as online, remote, and distance education is an old teaching modality around the globe. It originated back in the 1960s in The U.S. A correspondence-based course via postal service. Technology has come to change not only the way people work but also the way people learn. Nevertheless, nobody was completely prepared for the challenge that virtual education brought. Have teachers and students acquired or changed their roles, activities, or even their skills to face that education modality? Books and notebooks are now students and teachers’ computers, tablets, etc. Furthermore, the classroom is now a digital platform where people from anywhere join. Therefore, another key question arises, how do these evolving roles impact on methodologies applied to virtual environments? These are the underlying questions that this research work aims to address. Hence, the students of this specialization course, went over several technological resources to design and develop virtual classes. Besides that, students developed teaching content through virtual platforms so as to adequate methodologies to their current needs of virtual learners. All in all, the new skills and knowledge acquired during this lesson by the students of the specialty course was also attached to this work.
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    The importance of using techniques, methods, and tools, both printed and digital, for effective translation.
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-08-21) Calderón Torres, Andrea Beatriz; Quintanilla Rivas, Raúl Antonio; Villalobos Santamaria, Andrea Elena; Torres, Cristian; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
    Durante años la traducción fue un proceso largo ya que no existían las facilidades tecnológicas que tenemos en la actualidad, gracias a la tecnología ahora tenemos diferentes herramientas de las cuales nos podemos apoyar para hacer que el proceso de traducción sea más rápido y fácil. Hoy en día, en un mundo que se ha vuelto tan globalizado, es crucial conocer más de un idioma, no obstante, saber otro idioma, no significa que seremos capaces de interpretar o traducir textos de un idioma a otro en un nivel casi nativo, o que dicha acción será sencilla. Aun si se es muy diestro a la hora de hablar, escribir y escuchar otro idioma, interpretar y traducir textos son destrezas diferentes que requieren un estudio propio en cómo realizarlas de forma adecuada. El siguiente reporte, trata acerca de las técnicas de traducción que facilitaran a los estudiantes y a los traductores a realizar un trabajo impecable, y a mejorar académicamente y profesionalmente, también a entender, crear y aplicar un proceso de traducción que se acople a cada traductor para así facilitar y organizar su trabajo, elaborando traducciones en diversos campos o tipos de documentos como actas de matrimonio, títulos universitarios, y manuales que requieren del trabajo de un traductor, todo esto se realizó aplicando las técnicas que aprendimos durante el curso y con la ayuda de diferentes plataformas y herramientas. En conclusión, cada traductor debe ser capaz de ampliar sus campos y configurar su proceso de traducción de acuerdo a sus capacidades o a la agencia para la cual trabaje, debemos comprender que algunos procesos son más complejos que otros considerando diversos aspectos desde el inicio hasta el final de la traducción, pero siempre irá con la finalidad de obtener producto de alta calidad de un especializado en traducción.
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    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2021-08) Morales Arias, Josué; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    Este estudio exhaustivo presenta una propuesta sólida para el lanzamiento de "Volcatour", una innovadora iniciativa turística enfocada en el volcán Ilamatepec, ubicado en Santa Ana, El Salvador. La investigación se adentra en una profunda exploración de los elementos esenciales para el éxito de este emprendimiento, desde la conceptualización del producto hasta la planificación estratégica y la evaluación de su viabilidad en el mercado turístico salvadoreño. A través de un análisis detallado del contexto histórico y actual del turismo en El Salvador, el estudio destaca la importancia de posicionar Volcatour como una oferta turística única y sostenible. Se examinan las características distintivas del volcán Ilamatepec y los recursos naturales circundantes, resaltando su potencial para atraer a turistas nacionales e internacionales interesados en experiencias al aire libre y en contacto con la naturaleza. El plan de negocios presentado en la investigación abarca aspectos financieros, de marketing y operativos, proporcionando una hoja de ruta clara para la puesta en marcha y el crecimiento de Volcatour. Se define el perfil del emprendedor ideal para liderar este proyecto, destacando las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios para gestionar un negocio turístico con éxito. Asimismo, el estudio aborda la importancia de la sostenibilidad en el turismo, explorando las prácticas y certificaciones que puede adoptar Volcatour para minimizar su impacto ambiental y contribuir al desarrollo de las comunidades locales. Al integrar los principios del turismo sostenible, Volcatour se posiciona como una opción atractiva para los viajeros conscientes y comprometidos con la preservación del medio ambiente. En conclusión, este trabajo de investigación ofrece una visión integral del proyecto Volcatour, demostrando su potencial para convertirse en un referente en el turismo de aventura y naturaleza en El Salvador. Al combinar elementos como la belleza natural del volcán Ilamatepec, la rica historia y cultura de la región, y un enfoque en la sostenibilidad, Volcatour tiene el potencial de atraer a un amplio segmento de mercado y generar un impacto positivo en la economía local.
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    Technology as an essential tool for the design of didactic material for online education.
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-05) Alfaro de Rivas, Rebeca Sulamita; Alvarado Domínguez, Victoria de los Ángeles; Ayala Morales, Vilma Yaneth; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;
    The globalization of education has already made the application of digital technologies extremely necessary. Fortunately, online platforms are available to teach classes, share resources, conduct assessments, and manage the day-to-day activities of academic institutions now more than ever. These technologies have shown a powerful impact on the education system in a positive way. The recent pandemic of COVID-19 has further institutionalized the applications of digital technologies in education. These technologies have brought about a paradigm shift in the entire education system, and it is no longer just a provider of knowledge, but also a co-creator of information, a mentor, and an evaluator. Technological improvements in education have made life easier for students and have come to provide useful knowledge. It is of utmost importance to evaluate and foster a correct application of the emerging technologies in the actual educational system and make sure students are getting to know and adopt them for their daily use in an optimum way. Knowing where and how to find the best information is as important as the information itself and it is teachers’ duty to guide students on their way to achieving that. Keywords: Emerging technological tools; Online education; Didactic material; Online applications; Virtual platforms.
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    Processes, practices andtechniques in the translationof administrative andacademic documents from english into spanish andviceversa /
    (Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-05-02) García Saracay, Elia Ermelinda; Pérez Móran, Diana Elizabeth; Sandoval Alfaro, Sara Eunice; Torres Meléndez, Christian Alexander; Carranza Campos, Miguel Angel;;;
    Translation is an essential tool in today's globalized world. It connects people from around the globe, who speak different languages and come from different cultures. But how does translation accomplish to connect people? It facilitates communication as it enables the exchange of ideas in areas such as commerce, politics, technology, and culture. Without translation, many people would be limited in their ability to communicate and understand others. This could have serious consequences for all the aforementioned sectors and for mutual understanding between people of different backgrounds. As tourism continues to evolve and grow, so is the demand for language translation services. translation helps tourists to communicate and understand each other in the language of the country they are visiting, and it facilitates their travel experience. Translation also plays an important role in preserving cultural diversity as it helps people from different backgrounds to have access to the works of different characters and personalities, works of art, books, movies, and music from different places around the world. In the economy and commerce translation is important for international trade as companies need to translate legal documents, contracts, catalogs, and websites to operate in foreign markets. Without translation, companies would not be able to communicate their products and services to customers in other countries, and this would limit their ability to expand and generate revenue in other countries. The same hing happens with education because learning a foreign language or improving on a familiar one will always be an asset in the working world. This being said, translation is key when it comes to communicating, and communication is the essence of life.
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    Diagnosis of the 2002 study plan of the bachelor in modern Languages with Specialization in French and English of the University of El Salvador
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2022-10) Pérez Orellana, Claudia Lisseth; Peralta Rivas, Gabriela; Salamanca Corvera, Josseline Beatriz; Contreras Cárcamo, Mauricio Salvador; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
    El aprendizaje virtual surgió como una necesidad global de cada estudiante y maestro debido a los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19. A partir de este hecho, surgió también un plan de acción por parte de la comunidad educativa salvadoreña donde el uso cotidiano de las herramientas tecnológicas en ambientes virtuales resultó en un hábito común tanto para estudiantes, como para maestros. Gracias a los esfuerzos de la Universidad de El Salvador, el Departamento de Idiomas Extranjeros procedió a crear cursos de especializaciones en los que se trabajan mano a mano con los futuros profesionales de cada carrera del antes mencionado departamento. Un curso en particular, el cual se nombra: “Curso de Especialización en la Administración de Ambientes Virtuales para la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Idiomas Extranjeros” fue propuesto como el centro de estudio que establecerá este reporte, de tal modo, los análisis y resultados que se obtengan serán compartidos con el público, así como, el conocimiento de las experiencias que los estudiantes obtuvieron y de esta forma se pueda lograr una competencia en la dirección que conllevan los estudios de los ambientes virtuales en la administración de herramientas tecnológicas educativas. El contenido visto y aplicado durante los pasados tres (3) módulos del curso de especialización serán completamente compartidos con el público interesado, de igual forma, los miembros de la comunidad docente pueden obtener esta información como un aliado para la aplicación de herramientas tecnológicas educativas en sus aulas; priorizando de esta forma las necesidades de sus estudiantes en cualquier forma posible en el desarrollo del aprendizaje.
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    How to maintain quality and accuracy in translation using translation tools
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-04) Orellana Álvarez, Mónica Fabiola; Reyes Ruiz, Karla Estela; Sibrián Vargas, Vanessa Adela; Torres Melendez, Cristian Alexander; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
    El siguiente trabajo explora el proceso de traducción y la importancia de las traducciones de alta calidad, detallando los pasos del proceso de traducción y destacando la necesidad de tener y aplicar un enfoque personalizado a cada traducción, mientras se analiza y hace uso de diferentes plataformas de traducción y herramientas de procesamiento de imágenes que ayudan a realizar las traducciones de manera más efectiva. De igual manera, se presentan proyectos de traducción que incluyen diferentes tipos de documentos, con el fin de poner en práctica el proceso de traducción creado. El tema ha sido presentado como parte de las actividades del curso de especialización Fundamentos de la Traducción.
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    AdvenTour Travels and Tours Chalatenango
    (universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2023-11) Rauda Muñoz, Marlon Edenilson; Rivera Argueta, Katherinne Lisseth; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca Hortensia de La Santísima Trinidad; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;
    AdvenTour Travels and Tours Chalatenango is an idea that was born when we realized the natural wealth that the department of Chalatenango has, where we can find different tourism destinations that adjust to the different interests and types of tourists. That is why as founders of AdvenTour Travels and Tours Chalatenango we decided to create our company focused on showing the world the natural, cultural, and gastronomic wealth of the department and obtain economic benefits by doing what we love and showing how beautiful our department is. For this reason, we set out to find the best tourist destinations in our department, places where you can go hiking, enjoy a warm climate, and have wonderful views where tourists can enjoy a wonderful experience with family or friends while being in contact with nature. In addition, by traveling with AdvenTour Travels and Tours Chalatenango, tourists will have the opportunity to visit towns where our tourist destinations are located, as well as, learn about their history, local legends, and gastronomy.
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    Martínez Aurora, D. M., Alvarado Alvarado, M. C., Mena López, F. R. (2023). Processes and Techniques for Translation. (Tesis para optar el grado de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas Especialidad en Francés e Inglés). Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades.
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2023-10) Martínez Aurora, Débora Michelle; Alvarado Alvarado, Maricela Concepción; Mena López, Fátima Rocío; Reyes López, Nohemy Elizabeth; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
    The following report is about translation processes and techniques. First, the definition of translation is defined as a process that requires a delicate balance of linguistic proficiency, cultural sensitivity, and an innate grasp of the nuances that distinguish one language from another. In addition, the existing classifications of translation techniques are reviewed, clarifying that a translation technique is understood as an instrument of textual analysis which helps and allows us to study how translation equivalence works in relation to the original text. On the other hand, a translation process that contains six steps was created with the aim of obtaining a good translation in which the text can be read as if it were written in the target language. Finally, the present project includes a compilation of the different translations made during the course in which the translation processes and techniques were applied, and some Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools were used in order to make translations more efficient.
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    Contributions and benefits reflected in the translation of beginner translators through the proper use of translation tools (Cat Tools)
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-04-15) López Pérez, Rosibel Esmeralda; Reyes López, Nohemy Elizabeth; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    We found out that this specialization in Translation helps translators to apply different ways to produce a new text translation using tools like Cat Tools. This contributes especially for beginner translators’ translation; the purpose of this investigation is mostly to reduce time’s handing costumer translations in order to maximize your experience. for example when we translate a birth certificate in the past with no internet connection this time to traduce this document can be handing to the client in 3 or 4 nowadays using cat Tools is the fast way to get Satisfactory results of translated texts and image editing of a document can be attained through the study of accurate translation techniques and the practice of Cat tools This report presents how the six-month course of Specialization in Translation Fundamentals was developed; through this course, students were able to understand and practice the fundamentals of translation techniques and the usage of Cat Tools for translation. As conclusion, we realized that using those tools, students learned how to translate documents such as diplomas, birth certificates, and records, to provide the translation of the source language to the target language. This report encompasses the translation works completed throughout the semester using translation techniques and Computer-Assisted Translation tools. Cat Tools play a significant role in modern translations as they facilitate time management while translating, image editing, or group translating.
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    (Universidad de El Salvador, 2024-04-11) Girón Reyes, Rocío Gabriela; Monge Rodríguez, Emilio Ernesto; Zavala Guandique, Karen Alicia; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
    These days people prefer to improve their eating habits, so they are always on the lookout to consume only the best to maintain good health and a balanced diet. This type of lifestyle has created the need to implement foods with low percentage of sugar and organic ingredients, more natural and aware of the impact on the environment. The objective of this report is to present what the course of Specialization in Tourism, developed in six months in virtual mode, helped us to create the idea of the entrepreneurship of "Layuá Cheesecake". Layuá Cheesecakes is a product born from the necessity of sugar free desserts that truly provide a true nutritional value and that our audience can enjoy it without any guilt. We determined from the beginning it would capture the delight our customers would feel if they indulged in a cheesecake filled with our local flavors, seasonal editions, as well as a significant nutritional contribution for those looking for guilty pleasure without negative health consequences. This report contains a description of the whole product per se. Finally, this will provide what we as entrepreneurs want to achieve with the idea of helping people have a better quality in the food they eat.
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    The transformative power of translation in written texts for connecting a multilingual world
    (Universidad de El Salvador, 2024-04-10) Cruz Cruz, Kevin Ernesto; Moreno Hernández, Jimmy Geremias; Torres, Cristian Alexander; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;
    In a globalized society such as ours, translation plays a key role in bridging linguistic and cultural divides, fostering communication and facilitating understanding between diverse communities. This study delves into the transformative potential of translation in written texts in the context of a multilingual world, this approach has been presented as part of the activities of the specialization course: Fundamentals of Translation. This study begins by examining the current landscape of translation practices, focusing on the evolving role of translators and the impact of translation in the world. It then provides an overview of the translation process, clarifying its various stages and the techniques employed to ensure linguistic accuracy and cultural resonance. The discussion covers the definition of the translation process, outlining its complexities and challenges, while highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity and linguistic nuances. Also, the study presents illustrative examples that demonstrate the dynamic nature of translation and its profound cross-cultural impact and promotion of global interconnectedness. Through an exploration of translation techniques and methodologies, it underscores the importance of adaptation and interpretation in conveying meaning across linguistic boundaries. This analysis underscores the transformative power of translation.
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    Touristic service “Relatos de café”
    (2022-01-01) Vivas Hernández, Paola Jeannette; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Angel
    For almost a century, coffee has had a very important role in El Salvador's history and economy; and, it has become an essential element of our cultural identity. But, people have forgotten that coffee is more than an agricultural product, there is a whole world ready to be explored; such as, Coffee tourism; It is necessary to mention that tourism has become one of the most important economic activities in the world. This project is focused on exploring this new market that is been emerging on these days. That’s why I wanted to take advantage of it and propose a new different and particular project; and, that's how "Relatos de Café" was born. In order to execute this innovative project, the entrepreneurs investigated deeply the place where "Relatos de Café" is located, to evaluate how this new business will impact the town, they have done a deep research about the Salvadorean laws to take care of their users and customers; but also, to take care about the environment. Besides that, they have a very strong mission, vision and values, they have also thought about the marketing strategies to be successful and the budget to launch "Relatos de Café" to the market. After all the research that they have done, "Relatos de Café" is ready to open its doors to international and national public.
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    The importance of a virtual specialization for future professionals that includes online learning management systems for english language teaching
    (2023-01-01) Piche Raymundo, Luis Alejandra; Salinas molar, Joel Balmore; Piche Raymundo, Luis Alejandra; Carranza Campos, Miguel Angel
    Within the following document it will be demonstrated the importance and contribution of the on-line course of specialization to the three careers offered by the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of El Salvador to specialize future professionals who are completing their graduation process. The main objective of the specialization is for students from different careers who are about to complete their academic curriculum to be at the forefront with the latest tools and applications to facilitate the learning and teaching of languages with the usage of virtual platforms. Three learning modules were developed, which are divided as follows: on-line english language teaching, educational applications for learning a foreign language and design of virtual resources. The participants also learned some audio, video and image editing tools such as Audacity, Openshot, Genially and other platforms. This report presents in greater depth everything learned during the three modules of the specialization course and the achievements, conclusions and recommendations. Besides, the action of adding the most recent LMS and technological resources during the class made it great because technologies change constantly and it is everybody’s responsibility to stay up to date with modern on-line technologies.