Implementation of the most effective virtual tools in foreign languages learning


Like in many other countries, education in El Salvador was affected by the pandemic of Covid19 allowing professional educators to adapt to an atypical situation or change by making use of online English language teaching with the help of educational platforms and applications. The two important approaches to take into account in online teaching are a synchronous state which takes place in real-time instructions or classes, and an asynchronous state which can happen at any time and anywhere. With the application of these online platforms and applications, learners can have access to any application on the internet to acquire knowledge and get familiar with the technology. The constant change of mind in people suffering the struggles of the pandemic made online education the best option to create a safe environment for children with the help of teachers who decided to create educational courses. One of the most effective and important courses implemented in the Foreign Language Department, that helps the instructor and the learner is called: ¨ Administración de Ambientes Virtuales para la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Idiomas Extranjeros.¨ This course gives the necessary information and explain the importance of some educational tools and applications described in this paper to the learners with three main modules carefully developed and relayed by specialist carried out during six months, that are: 1- Online English Language Teaching, 2- Educational Applications for Learning a Foreign Language, 3-Design of Didactic Materials for Virtual Environments. In the modules previously mentioned each learner was given with the accurate information and then asked to perform and activity for a better understanding of the knowledge. Key words: Educational courses ; Language ; Application ; Technological tolos ; Online



Educational courses, language, application, technological tolos, online
