Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés Opción Enseñanza

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    Different types of translation processes to translate legal documents to improve the reliability of the translation
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2023-11) Quevedo Calderón, Nancy Abigail; Martínez Pineda, Gerardo Antonio; Vásquez Cubias, Néstor Alexander; Bonilla Miranda, Karla Alexandra; Torres Melendez, Cristian Alexander; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;;
    This paper presents the correct usage of an organized and established Translation Process as a pivotal role in producing a high quality translation. In a common context marked by the incorrect interchangeability of terms like ‘translation’ and ‘interpretation, (despite they having distinct meanings) there is a common misconception that translations can be done spontaneously by multilingual speakers without following any kind of translation process, thus translating automatically with little or no preparation. Incorporating evidence of a personal Translation Process, this study aims to demonstrate that the Translation Process is actually a crucial part of the actual translation that should not be skipped by any new or experienced translators, and that it actually impacts the quality of work produced at the time whenever a process is not developed. This paper argues for the need of every translator to develop and tailor their own Translation Process to ensure the quality of their work, the fidelity to the source language and also to make sure the translation is effective and meaningful for the target audience.
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    The importance of collaborative learning in online education
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-05-15) Sánchez Salmerón, Celina Esmeralda; Campos Morales, Dennis Josué; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Miguel Ángel Carranza Campos;;
    The purpose of this report is aimed to know what the Importance of Collaborative Learning in Online Education is. Collaborative learning has changed the learning environment in many positive ways. Teamwork and collaboration are essential in Today´s School. The team used all the online tools in a collaborative process to achieve the objectives and applications used during the three modules developed in the specialization “Administration of Virtual Environments for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning”. An important aspect is that by working collaboratively, students have the opportunity to develop their own ideas, sharing their opinions and creating their own learning. During this specialization the team practiced with all the online tools and applications that were learned during every session besides the different activities that allowed to work collaboratively and, as a benefit, it allowed to better understand the use of each online tool. By practicing activities collaboratively students will be able to aim critical thinking and it will allow them to build their own criteria about different topics. Collaborative work brings many benefits for students and as teachers we must continue working hard in order to apply the best techniques that may benefit students' learning process. Based on the experience obtained during the three modules and after practicing and learning about each online tool, as well as the research done about the Importance of Collaborative Learning in Online Education, the team can assure that implementing collaborative activities and assignments in Online Education generate more student’s participation, motivation, and self-learning. Collaborative work brings many benefits to students and as future teachers we feel more than motivated to apply this important technique on each of our future classes.
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    Analysis of the essential qualities and resources young adults must have for a successful english distance learning
    (Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-05-14) Cruz Morán, Hilda Raquel; Hernández Guzmán, Nathaly Mabel; Rivera Méndez, Alexander Humberto; Reyes de Amaya, Cecilia ; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;;
    The most important aim of distance learning is to make education accessible to most people. In order to be able to perform the capacity of learning and build up knowledge the student must have an active and independent role, making decisions, acting over the contents that they are receiving, and generating new concepts based on them. It is known, however, that most students are not capable of performing such qualities in their learning practice, despite the learning genre. The general objective of this research is to classify the qualities that a distance learner must have in the English language acquisition process. Therefore, what exactly is distance learning? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica distance learning, which will now be referred to as DL also called e-learning or tele-learning, is a form of education, which involves a physical separation between the teacher and the student during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication. Since the student is the center of distance learning, what does it take for a student to be successful with this modality? It is a must for any student that decides to try distance learning to possess certain abilities that are the foundation of distance education, like autonomy, self-management, self-monitoring and self-motivation which is crucial. A student that decides to take the challenge to learn in this fashion, has to really want it and has to be aware that he’s going to make more efforts than what is usually done in regular learning.
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    The digital revolution in translation: exploring the foundations and technology implications.
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-04) Arias Guerra, Daniel Elías; Guzmán de Flores, Krissia Andrea; Mejía de Rosales, Liliana Elizabeth; Reyes Lopez, Nohemy Elizabeth;;;
    Translation, as an essential component of global communication, has witnessed significant advancements in techniques and technological tools in recent years. This document explores some of the most relevant developments in the field, focusing on both traditional and innovative approaches. Through a comprehensive review, it identifies key techniques such as machine translation and natural language processing, along with their applications in various domains, including literature, legal documents, and technical manuals. Additionally, the study investigates the integration of computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, and collaborative translation environments, highlighting their impact on translation efficiency and accuracy. This report also presents some of the translation practices completed during this translation course. Furthermore, it examines the challenges and opportunities associated with these tools and techniques, including issues of quality assurance, cultural nuances, and ethical considerations. By analyzing current practices and industry trends, this report provides valuable insights for us as future translators seeking to navigate the evolving landscape of translation techniques and technological tools.
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    Adventour Travels and Tours Chalatenango
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-04-17) Rodriguez Baires, Karla Gabriela; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca Hortensia de La Santísima Trinidad; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    AdvenTour Travels and Tours Chalatenango is an idea that was born when we realized the natural wealth that the department of Chalatenango has, where we can find different tourism destinations that adjust to the different interests and types of tourists. That is why as founders of AdvenTour Travels and Tours Chalatenango we decided to create our company focused on showing the world the natural, cultural, and gastronomic wealth of the department and obtain economic benefits by doing what we love and showing how beautiful our department is. For this reason, we set out to find the best tourist destinations in our department, places where you can go hiking, enjoy a warm climate, and have wonderful views where tourists can enjoy a wonderful experience with family or friends while being in contact with nature. In addition, by traveling with AdvenTour Travels and Tours Chalatenango, tourists will have the opportunity to visit towns where our tourist destinations are located, as well as, learn about their history, local legends, and gastronomy.
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    How do technological tools influence the professional performance of a translator and the high quality of different types of documents nowadays /
    (Universidad de El Salvador, Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-03) Martínez García, Kenia Azucena; Reyes López, Nohemy Elizabeth;
    The specialization course Fundamentals and Techniques of Translation focused on the practice of modern translation processes and technological tools. The study of different translation techniques, basic concepts, websites that facilitate maintaining the quality of the original document and other related topics were taught through online meetings, assignments and group practice. Each week new activities were carried out to learn more about translation today. The course was divided into four modules to better focus on each important aspect of translation. In the first module, the origins of translation and how it has changed over time. The second module focused on the translation process, techniques and practices with different types of texts, a power point presentation was made to explain the translation process. After that, the third module was focused on translation tools, the teacher presented different tools to make a better translation without losing the quality of the original document. Some of the tools used were MateCat, Cafetrans, Babilone and others. It is important to mention that the translation tools were useful, but it was necessary to use the translator's skills to correct errors and give a better meaning to the text. The focus was on the quality of the document or image according to the context. The fourth module focused on Translation Practices, putting into practice everything that was learned in the previous modules, the use of translation techniques and technological tools to obtain a professional and high quality translation process. During this specialization course was learned translation techniques and the different technological tools or websites to obtain the best quality in the different types of documents that are currently used nowadays!
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    Contributions and benefits reflected in the translation of beginner translators through the proper use of translation tools (Cat Tools)
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades., 2024-04-15) García Colindres, César Alberto; Nieto Torres, Milton Alexander; Reyes López, Nohemy Elizabeth; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;;
    We found out that this specialization in Translation helps translators to apply different ways to produce a new text translation using tools like Cat Tools. This contributes especially for beginner translators’ translation; the purpose of this investigation is mostly to reduce time’s handing costumer translations in order to maximize your experience. for example when we translate a birth certificate in the past with no internet connection this time to traduce this document can be handing to the client in 3 or 4 nowadays using cat Tools is the fast way to get Satisfactory results of translated texts and image editing of a document can be attained through the study of accurate translation techniques and the practice of Cat tools This report presents how the six-month course of Specialization in Translation Fundamentals was developed; through this course, students were able to understand and practice the fundamentals of translation techniques and the usage of Cat Tools for translation. As conclusion, we realized that using those tools, students learned how to translate documents such as diplomas, birth certificates, and records, to provide the translation of the source language to the target language. This report encompasses the translation works completed throughout the semester using translation techniques and Computer-Assisted Translation tools. Cat Tools play a significant role in modern translations as they facilitate time management while translating, image editing, or group translating. Keywords: translation; translation techniques; Cat Tools; source language; target language.
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    The transformative power of translation in written texts for connecting a multilingual world
    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-04-11) Henríquez Alemán, Oscar Armando; Torres, Cristian Alexander; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    In a globalized society such as ours, translation plays a key role in bridging linguistic and cultural divides, fostering communication and facilitating understanding between diverse communities. This study delves into the transformative potential of translation in written texts in the context of a multilingual world, this approach has been presented as part of the activities of the specialization course: Fundamentals of Translation. This study begins by examining the current landscape of translation practices, focusing on the evolving role of translators and the impact of translation in the world. It then provides an overview of the translation process, clarifying its various stages and the techniques employed to ensure linguistic accuracy and cultural resonance. The discussion covers the definition of the translation process, outlining its complexities and challenges, while highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity and linguistic nuances. Also, the study presents illustrative examples that demonstrate the dynamic nature of translation and its profound cross-cultural impact and promotion of global interconnectedness. Through an exploration of translation techniques and methodologies, it underscores the importance of adaptation and interpretation in conveying meaning across linguistic boundaries. This analysis underscores the transformative power of translation.
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    (Universidad de El Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades, 2024-04-12) Dubón Jiménez, Edwin José; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel;
    These days people prefer to improve their eating habits, so they are always on the lookout to consume only the best to maintain good health and a balanced diet. This type of lifestyle has created the need to implement foods with low percentage of sugar and organic ingredients, more natural and aware of the impact on the environment. The objective of this report is to present what the course of Specialization in Tourism, developed in six months in virtual mode, helped us to create the idea of the entrepreneurship of "Layuá Cheesecake". Layuá Cheesecakes is a product born from the necessity of sugar free desserts that truly provide a true nutritional value and that our audience can enjoy it without any guilt. We determined from the beginning it would capture the delight our customers would feel if they indulged in a cheesecake filled with our local flavors, seasonal editions, as well as a significant nutritional contribution for those looking for guilty pleasure without negative health consequences. This report contains a description of the whole product per se. Finally, this will provide what we as entrepreneurs want to achieve with the idea of helping people have a better quality in the food they eat.
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    The online teaching of the english language through didactic materials for virtual environments
    (2022-11-01) Montes Ramos, Alisson Daniela; Menjivar Gonzales, Blanca Alicia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    Like many other side effects COVID-19 pandemic brought to the world, education was one of the most noticeable impacts that people could perceive. Schools and teachers were forced to apply new methods that were not as common before as they are now, such as distance learning, which also meant that educators had to get more familiar to the application of ‘‘e-learning’’ in their classes. After covid hit, and students from the Foreign Languages Department of the University of El Salvador, who were in the verge to graduate were pushed to make a pause on their graduation process. As a result, a decision was made, and a plan was created. This is how the idea of doing online courses was born. These courses were split up in three different modules, and they included audio and video files of weekly lectures by professors, as well as writing assignments for group discussions and individual projects. Module 1 ‘‘Online English Language Teaching’’ started with a short introduction to the history on online education, as well as a glimpse of different topics, such as the theories of learning, synchronous and asynchronous learning, the evolution of e-learning, etc. The second module ''Educational Applications for Learning a Foreign Language'' was a little broader in terms of its purpose, since it dealt with how educators use technological tools to teach online. Finally, in the third course, 'Design of Didactic Materials for Virtual Environments,' students learned how to create technological tools that they can implement in their online lessons. Since distance education seems to be here to stay, these courses were a big step up to getting teachers ready for the future .
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    Didactic strategies for teaching foreign languages at initial education level: an important component that must be part of the contents developed in the TEFL (teaching english as a foreign language) courses offered to students registered in the english teaching major at the Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador.
    (2023-03-01) Abarca Nolasco, Irvin Alexis; Menjivar Umaña, Merline Jeannette; León Díaz, Jennifer Andrea; Gómez Alegría, Ana Grace; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    Teaching a second language at the preschool level in recent years has had a high demand in the educational area due to globalization that prioritizes the knowledge of a second language. In turn, higher education institutions have tried to provide future teachers with the necessary tools to carry out the teaching of a second language successfully. In addition, it is important that preschoolers be able to acquire a second language by receiving the proper orientation in the ESL learning process. That is why, it is essential to prepare future educators with the most relevant key contents. Although the University of El Salvador is not far behind, researchers decided to assess the methodological axis based on some bachelors’ testimony from the English Teaching Major at the University of El Salvador; confirming that the contents in the methodological axis have remained outdated regarding the teaching of a second language at the preschool level. Indeed, this research is intended to find out what are the key didactic contents that must be included in the methodological axis in the English teaching major from University of El Salvador to enhance skills when teaching at Initial educational level. Researchers highlight the use of three main methods for ESL Teaching regarding preschoolers.
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    Students most accepted virtual apps for the development of english as a foreign language at The Foreign Language Department of the University of el Salvador, year 2020.
    (2022-12-13) Romero Rivera, Ricardo Alexander; Contreras Cárcamo, Mauricio Salvador; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    The present research focused on information about students most accepted virtual apps for the development of English as a foreign language at the foreign language department of the university of El Salvador, specifically, students from English Teaching Major. Education has undergone a great change in the last century, so teachers, students, and others who participate in the teaching and learning processes have been forced to reinvent new strategies with the full use of technological tools. The main goal in this research is to provide information to know and analyze the apps that students use to learn English. Since there is a variety of apps that can be applied in the educational process, some of them are feasible for the students and teachers, and some others are not. According to the information needed for the research, the research approach for knowing the most accepted virtual apps for the students was the phenomenological approach because of the fact that technology in education has become a phenomenon, even more, with the current situation caused by the Covid19 pandemic in the country. The research describes the students and teachers´ experiences about the use of technology in the teaching and learning process, but to make that description, the researcher considered and analyzed numerical data. For that reason, the type of study was a combination of quantitative and qualitative study but making more emphasis in the qualitative study. For this research, the researcher used the non-experimental cross-sectional research design since the study does not present numerical data as the main goal, but it was used to describe the results at the end of the research. Some conclusions have been stated as well as recommendations; the results showed that most of the students accept Google classroom and Google Meet to have online classes and Whatsapp to have a better interaction among students and teachers. Having those results, teachers and students should look for more apps, which can be applied together with the apps selected, to improve the results in the English teaching and learning process in the virtual modality.
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    Basics in the use of technological tools and techniques in the translation of formal documents.
    (2022-08-01) Jiménez Díaz, Yesica Yamileth; Ochoa Martínez, Mónica Elizabeth; Henríquez Chávez, Nelson Elías; Osorio Cruz, Claudia Elizabeth; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    This work is about the translation techniques applied to different projects of different areas and topics. Moreover, through the use of the translation process, which is set by each translator according to the necessities the translator has, could be done all the tasks that will be seen throughout the work. It is essential to establish a translation process since this process is the procedure of taking a text in one determined language and replicating it in the target language. For this, the text has to be analyzed carefully, and deep research should be done about the unknown words because it has to be adapted to the target public. Then the first draft has to be created to start displaying the ideas, in between this process it is essential to take some breaks, otherwise, it would be a dull process. After writing the first draft, rereading the text helps to find better ways to express the first idea created in the draft and any typos. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. Finally, the last draft has to be created but also It must be checked for the last time and it is done. A compilation of all the translations that were done is in the document. This can be useful and taken as a reference for future translations due to the complexity of some of them. Translating is a wonderful practice where you can learn many techniques and cultural information about several countries. In the end, translation helps you to find out more about the world and how people use the language in different ways.
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    The translation role and development enforced to new technologies
    (2022-10-01) Delgado Franco, Erika Esmeralda; González Rivas, Denis Onan; Henríquez Carpio, Kelly Margarita; Miranda Mazariego, Carlos Alfredo; Osorio Cruz, Claudia Elizabeth; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    This study work has collected data on the importance of translation in this globalized world that carries throughout history the complexity of translation and how creative this process can be using the right tools and the right techniques. In addition, this project fulfilled all the requirements of the stipulated time of intense translation work, the use of translation techniques, tools used to translate any type of document. During this project, it was noticed that there were no rules that could have led to a monotonous translation. It may be a misunderstanding to say that there are no rules. In fact, there is a process to follow. For example, it was more obvious to see how each translator managed and carried out the process that worked best for them. During each process, there was efficiency in translating some important legal documents despite the complexity of some of them. Moreover, the translation achievements were precisely as expected according to the requested guidelines. This work also leads to an analysis of the translation process carried out by the translators and the efficiency with which the process was carried out and followed without discarding the idea that there are no rules. The results provide ideas on how to perform translations because this work will serve as an entry point or reference for future students who will be attracted to learn more about translation and put their knowledge into practice when translating.
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    La hacienda de la abuela
    (2023-07-01) López Guidos, Reynaldo Antonio; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    Work is undoubtedly one of the pillars of development and should be a source of economic growth for the country, a path to social mobility for individuals and a space for personal dignity. For work to fulfill these characteristics it must be well remunerated, enjoy the protections mandated by law, and be a job and be a satisfying task. for those who perform it on a daily basis. Entrepreneurship has become a popular term currently, but not all of entrepreneurs can succeed in entrepreneurial business. This paper talks about entrepreneur and entrepreneurship from three aspects, Characteristics of entrepreneurs like perseverance, dedication, self confidence, desire of achievement, and so on, help them obtain necessary capabilities to operate business in the venture world. Before starting an entrepreneurial business, entrepreneurs should exploit an appropriate opportunity. Opportunity identification is critical in the process of entrepreneurial world. And capturing necessary resources such as financial resources, human resources are also necessary. The last step is to balance opportunity, resources, and team so that the entrepreneurial business can be operated successfully.
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    The most useful technological tools in virtual education
    (2022-01-01) Aquino Turcios, Claudia Yesenia; Najarro de Alvarado, Sey Danisia; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    This report is a brief summary of the contents developed during the specialization course. Topics related to the different virtual tools that the teacher can use to carry out classes virtually were developed, as well as in distance education and online education. The objectives pursued by this course are to train students in the practical and real use of cybernetic tools and platforms that allow them both in the present and in the future to provide and effective teaching in a virtual way. Nowadays on the web we can find such complete tools that allow us to teach classes, evaluate, create tasks, create didactic material and all in a virtual way within a click. This is where we can see the importance of the knowledge and effective management of these applications, since in the current world the virtual modality has become the main source of development of communications both in the area of education and in the work area and this was demonstrated precisely with the experience that the entire world has lived with the COVID-19 pandemic. Keys words: Teaching ; tolos ; Applications ; Online ; Education ; Resources.
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    Crazy pineapples of my land
    (2023-06-01) Osorio Dimas, Ángela Margarita; Aguillón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    Nowadays, tourism is one of the main contributors to national development. It plays an important role in the nation's economic development by bringing in needed foreign exchange and creating jobs. In other words, it is not just for moving to different countries and visiting other places around the world. Tourism helps to improve social development through knowing more about cultures, traditions, people and history. To promote a gastronomic product requires not just strategies but also purposes due to food has emerged as one of the motivations for people to travel and has an important multiplier effect in tourism destinations and choices. Additionally, food has been a key attraction to any destination and is widely featured in promotional literature by many destinations. This phenomenon is one of the signs to show the potential of food as a tourism product. This growth in interest in local products is linked to their regional or local heritage and is valuable for the tourism industry. The main purpose of this report is to explore the potential of food as a tourism product to identify and distinguish the potential of food as an image for the marketing of destinations through the following four chapters. Being known as a part of culture and richest creativity in gastronomic product that El Salvador has in this area. The main objective is to present a rich gastronomic product that can be consumed immediately, respecting the tastes of consumers and that they can feel identified with the culture of the country.
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    Pital camping, dentro del marco del Curso de Especialización en turismo (modalidad de trabajo de grado)
    (2022-11-05) Hernández Martínez,, Karina Liseth; Aguilón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    Pital camping is an enterprise developed for Salvadorans and foreign tourists who want to dare to have an extreme experience in a safe and fun way in a place with a pleasant climate and that has a diversity of fauna and flowers that is highly appreciated nationally and internationally. The objective of our experience is to offer the opportunity to discover the most beautiful and highest mountain in El Salvador, the Pital. And to achieve our idea in an organic and sustainable way, we have investigated not only the history of tourism in the country, but also its customs and traditions to delve more fully into the world of tourism. In addition, we detail step by step the concept of our product as well as a profile of what we as entrepreneurs need to successfully complete a tourist experience or any other business idea. On the other hand, we specialize in the laws and regulations that will guarantee us legibility to operate in this area. Taking this into account, we have created a safe, pleasant, and viable experience using a natural and beautiful resource from our beautiful country, El Salvador.
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    The most common applications in language learning
    (2022-01-01) Cabrera Gámez, Caty Marisol; Menjívar González, Blanca Alicia; Flamenco Flamenco, Juan Antonio; Carranza Campos, Miguel Angel
    The present paper reveals how the use of technological tools is extremely important within the educational sector for the development of skills implemented in the teaching-learning process, since nowadays they are of great interest within the same area, due to the fact that since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been affected. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to introduce the different learning and teaching techniques, software, websites, educational platforms and applications that make the development of a class in a virtual environment easier, more efficient and modern. Likewise, to have the opportunity to experiment and create with technological applications, software and digital platforms, such as: Flipgrid, Edpuzzle, Flippity, Liveworksheet, Powtoon, Youtube, Openshot, Free Windows 10 Video Editor. Through these practices, students now know that it is possible to continue the teaching process through different technological tools such as podcasts, educational videos, interactive images that today are part of our vocabulary in the online teaching of foreign languages. Keywords: Technological tools ; Software ; Virtual environment ; Podcasts ; Websites.
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    Pital camping, dentro del marco del Curso de Especialización en turismo (modalidad de trabajo de grado).
    (2022-11-05) Orantes Sosa, Gabriel Alexander; Aguilón Rivera, Francisca; Carranza Campos, Miguel Ángel
    Pital camping is an enterprise developed for Salvadorans and foreign tourists who want to dare to have an extreme experience in a safe and fun way in a place with a pleasant climate and that has a diversity of fauna and flowers that is highly appreciated nationally and internationally. The objective of our experience is to offer the opportunity to discover the most beautiful and highest mountain in El Salvador, the Pital. And to achieve our idea in an organic and sustainable way, we have investigated not only the history of tourism in the country, but also its customs and traditions to delve more fully into the world of tourism. In addition, we detail step by step the concept of our product as well as a profile of what we as entrepreneurs need to successfully complete a tourist experience or any other business idea. On the other hand, we specialize in the laws and regulations that will guarantee us legibility to operate in this area. Taking this into account, we have created a safe, pleasant, and viable experience using a natural and beautiful resource from our beautiful country, El Salvador.