The use of authentic materials and its effects on the development of students' oral competence of students from intensive courses of bachelor in english teaching at the Foreign Language Department, University of El Salvador, year 2014.

dc.contributor.advisorGómez Alegría, Ana Gracees
dc.contributor.advisorAyala, Edgar Nicoláses
dc.contributor.authorAlvarado Alas, Nancy Maricelaes
dc.contributor.authorAlvarado de Melara, Judith Verenicees
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Hernández, Patricia Nohemíes
dc.description.abstractThis document presents valuable information about the undergraduate research project. This investigation started in March and it provides detailed information on how the implementation of authentic materials as a complementary tool helps students to develop their oral competence. This project starts by reading the information about the authentic materials and its importance in the learning process. This report contains the components about the process of the investigation. First, it contains the statement of the problem where it is explained the historical framework, the description of the problem, the research question, the justification and the delimitation of the problem. Next, the theory is explained in the theoretical framework. After that, it is explained the type of study of the research. Then, the hypotheses are presented; these are assumptions about the phenomenon under study. Then, the research design where it is explained how the investigation was carried out. In addition, the population is present ed and it shows the groups that participated in the investigation. After that, the data gathering process shows the instruments that were used in this research and the steps that were followed to collect the data. Then, the data analysis is presented where it is explained the different analysis carried out in this research project: univariable, bivariable and a comparative chart about the data gotten from the three instruments. Moreover, the findings show the hypotheses‟ test and how the research questions were answered. Finally, the conclusions and the recommendations are
dc.subjectEnseñanza del idioma inglés
dc.titleThe use of authentic materials and its effects on the development of students' oral competence of students from intensive courses of bachelor in english teaching at the Foreign Language Department, University of El Salvador, year


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