Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés

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    A study the centro universitario de oriente languaje section english teaching needs in san miguel
    (1991-12-01) Gómez C. de López, Elena Reina; Lopez Montenegro, Jose Mauricio
    The existence of a language gives human beings a potential, social, historical, and intellectual dimension, linking them to each other, to the past and to the world. Language is a human tool that allows people to communicate their ideas, fellings, and interest. It must have arisen out of a social necessity -communication. Hence, when vocal sounds were accessible to the members of a given social group, they realized these sounds showed no limitations like gestures. That is why language became the most economical means of sharing aspects of culture.
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    Adquisición del lenguaje
    (1976-01-01) Cáceres Chavéz, Mario Stanley
    El pronostico de este trabajo es el de comparar las opiniones mas importantes que se han vertido respecto a la adquisición del lenguaje, es decir, tratando de contestar la interrogante de como adquiere un niño su lengua materna: el empirismo y el racionalismo. Este debate empezó desde hace mucho tiempo y continua ahora en el presente tratando de dar una explicación del lenguaje y su aprendizaje. En los siglos XVII y XVIII el debate fisiologico de este problema se centralizo en la relacion entre la mente humana y sus experiencias en la vida. Asi los empiristas afirmaron "nada esta en la mente sino primero en los sentidos" y los racionalistas contestaron: "Nada esta en la mente si no está primero en los sentidos, excepto la misma mente"
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    Error analysis of syntactic errors in written english made by students of english composition strategies they use
    (1991-01-01) Maldonado Alfaro, Aurelia Leticia; Moran Funes de Baires, Maria Elena
    This work is a descriptive study of some of the syntactic and lexical problems students face after finishing their compostion courses at the foreing language departament of the university of El Salvador, the research aimed at analyzing syntactical errors were also found. The problem of errors has long been discussed by those people involved in foreing or second language learning-teaching. At the foring language departament of the university of El Salvador, errors play an important role as part of the learning process.
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    A diagnosis of technical english needs of electrical engineering students of the university of El Salvador
    (1989-01-01) Gonzalez Flores, Jose Pablo; Alvarado Morales, José Matthew
    The seed that gave birth to the present work was an experience of the authors with an electrical engineering student approaching graduation. This student needed to read literature in english for this work; and according to his own words, he had not learned anything in his english i course because at that time he had not been aware of the importance english had for his major. He realized his mistake when he found himself unable to comprehend the information sources in english. however after taking some lessons, this upper-level student proved to be a fast english learner.
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    Problemas fonológicos del idioma inglés para los hablantes del castellano
    (1976-08-01) Zavaleta Guzman, Emilio Edgardo
    El lenguaje humano es un proceso complicado, complejo y arbitrario como son los seres humanos. El motivo por el cual se ha desarrollado este trabajo es el hecho de que las personas tienen algunas dificultades al aprender a producir fonemas diferentes a los ya establecidos en su idioma nativo. Este fenómeno ocurre debido a que el hablante nativo de un idioma lo pronuncia casi a la perfección, En otras palabras, se acostumbra demasiado a su idioma nativo. La finalidad de este trabajo es ilustrar a los profesores del idioma ingles sobre las dificultades fonológicas con las que pueden tropezar en el transcurso de su labor docente. De esta manera los maestros podrán anticipar y afrontar de una manera adecuada y con mayor eficacia las diferencias fonológicas entre el idioma materno de sus educandos y el que están aprendiendo.
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    Interferencia que presentan los falsos cognados para los estudiantes Salvadoreños que estudian ingles y las técnicas convenientes para minimizar ese problema.
    (1970-01-01) Mena de Palomo, Gloria
    El aprendizaje del vocabulario ofrece bastante dificultad a los estudiantes de un idioma extranjero. en el caso de los estudiantes de habla castellana que están aprendiendo ingles, la dificultad de aprender el vocabulario disminuye debido a que ambos idiomas tienen muchas palabras provenientes del griego y del latín, las cuales se escriben en forma semejante o idéntica por tener raíces comunes.
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    Análisis del curriculum en la enseñanza del idioma inglés en el tercer ciclo de la educación básica salvadoreña
    (1979-05-01) Suncin Cordero, Alvaro Alfredo; Merlino, Robert
    How can the objectives for the english teching programs in the third cycle be fulfilled when there is lack of knowledge of the english student, the teacher, poor following an the part of the ministry of education, along with poor english teacher training programs at various institutions. English teaching in the public schools of the third cycle of the basic education in El Salvador is not considered an important part of the educational process by many teachers and the ministry of education.
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    "Analysis of the Curriculum for Teaching English in Secondary Education of the Language Department of the University of El Salvador"
    (1984-11-01) Peñate Morales, Oscar Armando; Galvez Chicas, Jose Ricardo
    The University of El Sakvador has always tried to improve the quality its teaching-learnig preess. this process is aimed at preparing professionals, in the future, be responsonsible the develement our contry.
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    A sgllabus and a work book for the subject "Directed research project"
    (1990-01-01) Linares Linares, Guadalupe Delurdy; Lovato Hernandez, Ana Patricia; Carranza, Lilian Haydee
    This graduction work presents a syllabus anda workbook for the subject "Directed Research Project" as partial solution to one of the most acute problems of the students of the University of El Salvador in general andof the "licenciatura en Idioma Ingles" specificalls.
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    A method to introduce Salvadorean universite students to the reading of english
    (1983-01-01) Damas de Arevalo, Maria Teresa
    This objetive seems clear enough, nevertheless, thousends ofstudents who have taken the complete course, learned some grammar, and translated many sentences, were still not able to readtheir textbooks in english. for this failuro to attain their objectiive, servicecourse teachershave been blamed and called incompetent.
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    The elaboration of two experimental units to teach beginners english using the audio-visual approach
    (1984-10-01) Benitez de Morales, Isilma Elisa
    At the time the decision was made to investigate this topic in the teaching of english as a second language, the universidad de El Salvador had a program for the preparation of university level instructors and business employees who needed to acquire.
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    Los cursos de lecturas y conversacion en ingles en el cuarto y quinto ciclos en el departamento de idiomas de la universidad de el salvador; sus formas y objetivos
    (1988-01-01) Glower de Alvarado, Ana Maria; Ortega Alas, Alfredo
    The English majors at the Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador have difficulties in listening, in writing, and in oral production, even after taking the Reading and Conversation courses intended to have students acquire skills for a better performance in the upper level, and whose contents have to be understood with less difficulty. Such difficulties in mastering the linguistic material which students face after having taken the Reading and Conversation in English at the University of El Salvador block the achievement of the proposed objectives of the courses in the upper level .In addition, the approach, techniques, the planning and the procedures for the Reading and Conversation courses have not been revised and i mp roved; even though there have been some efforts to do it by teacher of these courses, the results have not been satisfactory.
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    Influence of teacher's behavior and instructional management in students of intermediate english I level in the language department of the University of El Salvador in 2003
    (2004-03-12) Quijano Sandoval, Alba Claribel; Peña Díaz, Pedro Benigno; Salazar Murcia, Pedro Antonio; Salazar Murcia, Pedro Antonio
    The foreign language teaching profession today faces increasing enrollments and a shortage of qualified teachers. Curtain and Pesola (1994:24) say that “a foreign language teacher requires a combination of competences and background that may be unprecedent in the preparation of language teachers”. A second language teacher needs a higher standard of competencies like a high level of proficiency in the four skill (speaking, listening, reading and writing), the capacity to use the language in any social context, manage the content areas, knowledge of technologies, understanding of social, political, historical and economic reality of regions. A language teacher must have an extensive knowledge about different components of teaching in order to be prepared to make appropriate judgments and decisions about their teaching in the classroom. Professional growth (mentioned above) and aspects of their behavior such as: enthusiasm, attitude, personality and classroom management are involved on what is happening in their own classroom. Classroom management and teacher behavior are analyzed to find out their influence in students learning of English as a second language. Since teaching involves teacher’s behavior and actions, s/he needs to get acquainted of those that influence learning in a negative way as well as those influence positively the learning process.
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    Essay: english departament methodology
    (2005-06-01) Chávez Bran, Ana Karen; Valle Castro, Beatriz Cecilia; Ventura López, David Edgardo; García Martínez, Claudia Maricela; Carranza, Miguel; Salazar Murcia, Pedro Antonio
    Our research is about the methodology used by the Foreign Language Department at the University of El Salvador .As we mentioned before the methodology is an important tool for teaching and we focused this work on the methodology teachers of this department are supposed to use for teaching English in the linguistic skills development area; this research intends to know if teachers of the English Department use the methodology stated in the curriculum. We consider it is important because through this research we will discover what methodology teachers follow for teaching English as well as if they are aware of it.
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    Analysis of the english study program for the ninth grade of basic education in El Salvador
    (1983-11-01) Llanes Márquez, Jorge Homero; Morataya, José Amílcar
    study program, as Dr. Manuel Luis Escamilla defines it, 15 a "handbook, a didactic guide that organizes the subjéct eround the student's neeessities and interests along his oifferent development stages ." l This suggests to us the need to cons1der many elements in order to suceeed in the teachinglearn1ng process of any subjeet. Sorne of these elements are,undoubtedly, the student , the teaeher, the environment, the school, the home and society. Everything stated before has validity for the teaeh1ng of subjeets ineluded in the study program which 1s obligatory for a student of the Third Cyele of Basie Edueation in El Salvador.
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    Factors influencing on the english pronunciation proficiency level of students after finishing the third year of Bachelor of Arts in english, specialty : teaching major of the Foreign Language Department at the University of El Salvador
    (2008-01-01) Oliva Muñoz, Sandra Beatriz; Hernández Joaquín, Rosa Delmy; Salazar Carranza, Briseida Guadalupe; Llanes Márquez López, Jorge Homero
    This research intends to present the problematic situation in a descriptive manner about the English pronunciation proficiency of third year students of the Bachelor of Arts in English, Specialty: Teaching Major of the Foreign Language Department (FLD) at the University of El Salvador. This report presents the circumstantial origins of the problem, its evolution, its current conditions (external and internal), its weaknesses and strengths as well as its most common techniques to evaluate oral skills, with the goal of providing a diagnosis which can establish effectively a remedial answer to this problem. Pronunciation, as a process of the production of sounds to make meaning, is one of the most important aspects of a person’s speech. Nevertheless, in some cases Pronunciation and its aspects involved, such as sounds, intonation, stress, rhythm and some others, are hardly taught in a classroom. This situation carries the students to communication problems in so many areas and aspects of their personal and professional daily life. The results of the research show some common pronunciation deficiencies in vowel sounds and also the students’ problem in the confusion and differentiation of sounds. It is also shown the students’ need to have a study plan with subjects that might help them out to improve their pronunciation. Moreover, it reflects the need for students to have more access to specialized resources to help their English pronunciation along with some other interesting findings.
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    Weaknesses and strengths of the communicative approach applied in advanced english levels at the foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador
    (2003-10-01) Arteaga Salguero, Patricia Cecilia; Guevara Rivera, Ana Ruth; Salazar Murcia, Pedro Antonio
    While English is not the most widely spoken language in the world, it is the most widely used by non-native speakers, making the teaching of English as a second foreign language a very important endeavor. The purpose on this essay is to give an overview of the method (in this case Communicative Approach used with Advanced students of the University of El Salvador). This argumentative essay starts by presenting a brief description of language teaching methods used from the beginnings of the teaching language fields to the present. Since the communicative approach is currently being used at the Foreign Language Department at the University of El Salvador, it became the subject of analysis in this paper. Principles and techniques are examined from a practical viewpoint because first hand information from class observation and interviews with experienced teachers from the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of El Salvador was collected. Finally, some drawbacks of the Communicative approach are discussed, and some conclusions are stated.
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    Exploratory study of the current undergraduate’s profile of Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés, Opción Enseñanza of The University of El Salvador, and its connection with the professional exigencies of today’s society.
    (2009-06-01) Mejía Hernández, Xiomara Nathalie; Melgar López, Alba Jeanette; Molina Aguilar, Sara Jeannette; Salazar Murcia, Pedro Antonio; Franco Ramos, Rhina
    As a result of the globalization, El Salvador has seen itself in the necessity of competing in the world market using English as an international language, since by means of this lots of advantages can be achieved, like the access to new technologies and scientific investigations of great importance for the human development. Therefore, the Foreign Languages Department (FLD) of the University of El Salvador (UES) has developed the curriculum of Licenciatura en idioma inglés, opción enseñanza, which aims at providing to the country qualified integral professionals with scientific sense able to face the educational reality in the Salvadoran social context nowadays. Such aspirations are reflected in the undergraduate’s profile of this major, which possesses specific requirements in the linguistics, investigation, methodology and general formation areas, in which the developing professionals in English teaching must be instructed along the major. Nevertheless, it was suggested that such profile should be brought up to date periodically so that it satisfactorily responds to the exigencies of the new era. This research constitutes an exploratory study of the current undergraduate’s profile of Licenciatura en idioma inglés, opción enseñanza, facing the new professional demands. It is divided into the following parts: an introduction to the topic, its corresponding objectives, theoretical and methodological frameworks, data analysis, a chronogram of activities, and the consulted sources, As the final part, some annexes containing the research instruments that were used are included.
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    The level of oral proficiency reached by the students attending Advanced English II courses, during semester I of the year 2003
    (2003-11-21) Lovato Hernández, Zoila Edith; Crespín Escobar, Sandra Leticia; Escobar, Guillermo Ernesto; Salazar Murcia, Pedro Antonio
    In the following pages, it is presented the essay which contains all the information that is related to the level of oral proficiency reached by the students that were attending classes at Advanced Intensive English II courses during the first semester of the year 2003. In the present days, most of the people who study English as a second language do it because they want to have the capacity to communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings not only in a written way, but also in an oral way. However, not all the people have the capacity to obtain specific levels of oral proficiency; that is what happens to many language students that attend classes at the University of El Salvador. This is due to a series of facts that take place during the whole English learning process, and they are described through the development of this work. Being their major interest to become proficient in a second language, students place the speaking ability as one of their main goals of study. Then in order to fulfill the needs of the students, the teachers must base their teaching on those communicative activities that best will fit on the development of adequate levels of accuracy when practicing the language. It is for that reason that this essay makes emphasis on the use of some principles stated in the form of hypothesis that can help teachers when planning instruction. Those principles were created by Alice Omaggio, and they are described carefully in the theoretical framework presented in this essay. Besides, are mentioned some of the principles that can be used by teachers are mentioned in order to select the best techniques and strategies that can help to improve students´ second language oral proficiency. Since in the learning of English, the ones that receive most benefits are the students, then they are the ones that have to do the most part of the work if they really want to succeed in the learning of English. They have to look for those strategies and techniques that can help them to increase their proficiency. In this essay are explained some of the strategies and techniques that can be used by teachers and students to develop levels of proficiency. Students should bear in mind that the more they practice the language, the more they will develop their speaking skill, and in that way achieve the required levels of proficiency.
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    The use of authentic materials and its effects on the development of students' oral competence of students from intensive courses of bachelor in english teaching at the Foreign Language Department, University of El Salvador, year 2014.
    (2015-06-01) Alvarado Alas, Nancy Maricela; Alvarado de Melara, Judith Verenice; Sánchez Hernández, Patricia Nohemí; Gómez Alegría, Ana Grace; Ayala, Edgar Nicolás
    This document presents valuable information about the undergraduate research project. This investigation started in March and it provides detailed information on how the implementation of authentic materials as a complementary tool helps students to develop their oral competence. This project starts by reading the information about the authentic materials and its importance in the learning process. This report contains the components about the process of the investigation. First, it contains the statement of the problem where it is explained the historical framework, the description of the problem, the research question, the justification and the delimitation of the problem. Next, the theory is explained in the theoretical framework. After that, it is explained the type of study of the research. Then, the hypotheses are presented; these are assumptions about the phenomenon under study. Then, the research design where it is explained how the investigation was carried out. In addition, the population is present ed and it shows the groups that participated in the investigation. After that, the data gathering process shows the instruments that were used in this research and the steps that were followed to collect the data. Then, the data analysis is presented where it is explained the different analysis carried out in this research project: univariable, bivariable and a comparative chart about the data gotten from the three instruments. Moreover, the findings show the hypotheses‟ test and how the research questions were answered. Finally, the conclusions and the recommendations are presented.