Cross-linguistic interference in writring of the intermediate intensive English i students from the Bachelor of Arts in modern languages with specialization in French and English at the department of foreign languages, University of El Salvador, semester ii 2015

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This research was focused on the cross-linguistic interference in writing by Intermediate Intensive English I students of the University of El Salvador. During the language learning process, learners tend to use their knowledge from their native language in order to express themselves and communicate in their target language. English is taught as a Foreign Language; thus, teachers and students are exposed to their native language most of the time. This situation causes interference of the mother tongue at the moment of learning the English language. This interference problem is noticeable when using productive skills, especially in conveying written messages. It is also common for students to translate word by word from Spanish into English. As a result, L1 has a negative influence when writing in English. In addition, it is essential to achieve an effective communication through the integration of all four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) due to the fact that the main objective of teaching and learning any language is the integration of the linguistic skills that develop communicative competence with an emphasis in real life situations. Among these four skills, writing is often considered an indispensable skill that enables students to develop an appropriate level of linguistic competence. According to Harmer (2004), writing helps students to express their ideas in written form and to achieve a high level of communication.



Enseñanza del idioma inglés
