A comparative study of the english speaking proficiency of the 4th year students from the B.A. in Modern Languages specialization in French and English and students from B.A. in English Teaching at the Foreign Language Department, University of El Salvador, semester I, 2017


Speaking is one of the most important skills in the process of learning a second language. The development of this skill is influenced by some factors. These factors play an important role in the development of the speaking skill, as the researchers could verify in this study. The aim of this study is to make a comparison and to investigate the aspects that make a difference in the English speaking proficiency between the 4th year students from the B.A. in Modern Languages specialization in French and English and students from the B.A. in English Teaching Option at the Foreign Language Department, of semester I, 2017. One of the objectives of this investigation is to know the level of the English speaking proficiency of the students from both majors because it is something that draws attention so as to wonder what major has better oral English performance. To clarify that doubt, this research shows the levels reached by the students. To carry out this study, it is necessary to make use of a mixed research (qualitative and quantitative) and a descriptive study since the main aim is to analyze the oral performance between two groups of students and then to show some characteristics that make one group of students better in front the other. The analysis of the data shows the results obtained from oral interviews and surveys, confirming with the final results the English speaking level of the 4th year students from both majors.



Enseñanza del idioma inglés
