A proposal to implement a course for the students of third year of Profesorado En Idioma Inglés Para Tercer Ciclo Y Educación Media of the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of The University Of El Salvador to train them to include in their lesson plans activities addressed to develop English across the curriculum


Noticing the need of improving our society in relation to the moral values, the MINED authorities have included those values in every school program for teachers, in turn, to implement such values explicitly and implicitly in every class. Therefore, it is necessary for all the teachers-on-duty as well as teachers-to-be to know exactly how to foment moral values by using the pedagogical proposals, Across the Curriculum. The research project presented in this report is a result of an effort to find easier ways for the English teachers specifically to instill in the learners moral values during the class.



Moral values, education, english language, universitary education, el salvador
