The relationship between motivation and reading comprehension in reading and conversation students from the English Teaching major at the Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador, semester I-2017

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This document is the outcome of the research carried out to diagnostic the relationship between motivation and reading comprehension of the students of the Reading and Conversation course II at Foreign Language Department of the University of El Salvador, during the semester I-2017. For this research a sample from two groups of students enrolled in the above mentioned course were selected. To this sample a questioner oriented towards motivation (H.E.M.A. questioner), a motivation and comprehension observation checklist and a reading comprehension test (Cloze Test) were administered. The results, gathered from the H.E.M.A. questioner, were compared to the ones gathered from observation checklist in order to verify if students were really motivated. Then, in order to determine if motivation have any influence in students reading comprehension, these results were contrasted to the Cloze Test results in order to establish if there is a substantial relationship between reading comprehension and motivation.



Reading comprehension, motivation, cloze test, h, e, m, a, questioner
